Introduction to C Language

C is a general-purpose programming language that is most popular, simple and flexible. It is a machine-independent, structured programming language which is used extensively in various applications.

C was a basic language to write from operating systems to complex programs like Oracle database, Git, Python Interpreter, etc. It is said that C is a good programming language. It was mainly developed as a system programming language to write an operating system.

The main features of C language include low-level access to memory, a simple set of keywords, and a clean style. These features make C language suitable for system programming and compiler development.

Many later languages have borrowed syntax/features directly or indirectly from C language, like Java, C++, PHP, JavaScript, etc.

How C Works?

C is a compiled language. A compiler is a special tool that compiles the program and converts it into the machine-readable object file. After the compilation process, the linker will combine different object files and creates a single executable file to run the program. The following diagram shows the execution of a 'C' program.

Benefits of learning C Programming.

  • To develop application software like Database and Spread Sheet.
  • To evaluate the mathmetical equations.
  • Used to design the compilers.
  • C programming language can be used to design network design.
  • UNIX Kernal completely designed in C.